Agriculture is always going to be around, but it is always changing. Providing youth opportunities to work hard and to be able to see the results of our work – it builds character. I think employers should be open to bringing people in and teaching them things. If we don’t pass on that knowledge, how will the future learn?
Ashley Carver | CAREERS Agriculture Intern
Strategic Priorities
More employers providing career opportunities for youth.
More youth participating in
work integrated learning.
Fiscal & Organizational Sustainability
2021 in Review
A message from the Chair and President & CEO
The COVID-19 pandemic has yet to release its hold on the global economy; however, this past year has brought new resolve for CAREERS and those we work with. Youth, employers, and schools all play an important role in Alberta’s recovery and future sustainability, and as the force that connects them all, it’s been more important than ever for CAREERS to forge ahead. Over the past year, we have not only adapted, but have gained momentum, empowering the CAREERS team and our stakeholders to stay the course on aggressive targets.
This past year, over 1500 internships were created, providing safe opportunities for youth to continue exploring careers through hands-on experience. More schools began seeing the value of our virtual presentations. Enhanced marketing and a brand refresh increased our reach to youth and employers and attracted more interest than ever before.
New and expanded programming has opened doors into high-demand industries. The Information Communications Technology Program is now offered province wide. CAREERS also launched the Agriculture Pilot Program. Opportunities for even further expansion are currently being explored.
One of the biggest game-changers in 2021 was the launch of the Youth Internship Incentive Program. In partnership with the
Alberta government and with support from our partners, CAREERS was able to offer funding to help 434 employers take on interns, especially during tough times. This initiative will continue into 2022.
The past year also brought a deeper understanding of Canada’s history and its Indigenous peoples. The discovery of several mass grave sites near residential schools, triggered shock across the country, but also the desire to learn and engage more with Indigenous culture. The CAREERS team embraced the opportunity to support and focus on Truth and Reconciliation by not only listening and understanding but by increasing efforts to provide Indigenous youth with access to jobs, training and education. Four Career Coaches were hired last summer to connect with communities across the province and a new part-time position was created to carry on the work.
As we look ahead, CAREERS remains committed to increasing the number of paid internships for Alberta youth to 6,000 annually within a few short years. We are grateful to the students, employers, schools, and funders who understand the important role everyone plays in building a strong, sustainable future for all Albertans. Together, we are creating the momentum needed to get there.
Leading by Example
Leading by Example

Derek Atabayev
Derek Atabayev was one of three Information and Communications Technology (ICT) interns hired by CAREERS last summer. “A lot of companies only hire skilled professionals for tech-related jobs,” explains Derek. “I jumped at the chance to get some experience and learn more about a field that interests me.”
Over the course of his internship, Derek was able to develop new skills, such as graphic design, software programs, promotional and business writing, and networking. As part of the CAREERS team, he took the initiative to organize and host a weekly virtual event for other ICT interns to share what they were doing and learning. He started to invite special guest employers in different ICT sectors to showcase a variety of in-demand career options. Within a short time, the meetings began attracting other students and employers who were interested in connecting. Even though Derek was a high school student with limited training, his youthful energy and ideas proved invaluable to the organization.
Now in his final year of high school, Derek knows there’s a future for him in ICT. While he hasn’t settled on a career path, he’s approaching the journey with a much different mindset. “I’m way more excited about working in the tech industry. The internship opened my eyes to a whole swath of careers I’d never dreamed of. There are a lot of passionate, smart people out there who are working together to do some really cool things. I often speak with other students about my experience and tell them not to be intimidated by what they don’t know. The mentors out there are awesome, and they want to help us as much as we want to do a great job for them.”

Paid Internships

Trades & Technologies
Students can explore over 50 skilled trades and may also be eligible to begin their apprenticeship training through the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP). RAP is a joint Alberta Education and Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) initiative allowing students to earn hours towards their certification while still in high school. In partnership with schools, CAREERS facilitated 999 skilled trades internships.
This unique program provides high school graduates (ages 18–25) with the opportunity to train for a career in the apprenticeship trades by rotating through employers on an annual basis. 125 CAREERS CO-OP students began or continued their journey this year. This program is only available in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.
Students can get a head start on their accreditation in the following technology-driven careers: Oil and Gas Production, Water Wastewater Operations, 4th Class Power Engineering, and Non-Destructive Testing. In total, 5 students took advantage of these programs, earning both high school and post-secondary credits at the same time.
CAREERS is committed to increasing awareness of non-traditional occupations for young women. This initiative resulted in 294 internships, along with a variety of hands-on camps and virtual events.

Information & Communications Technology (ICT)
The Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Program expanded across the province in 2021, offering new opportunities for tech-minded students to explore their skills. The popularity of this in-demand sector made it one of CAREERS fastest growing programs, leading to 76 internships in its first full year.
CAREERS partners with Work Wild and Inside Education to educate students and open doors into the vast and diverse world of forestry occupations. Virtual and hands-on events connected industry experts with students throughout the province and resulted in 17 internships.
Indigenous Youth Career Pathways
This program provided mentorship for 209 Indigenous students through focusing on awareness of occupations, workplace skills, and individual strengths. Continued success is strengthened through the formal partnerships with the Alexander First Nation, Fort McKay First Nation, and Fort McMurray Métis Local 1935.
The Health Program was heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic; however, CAREERS was able to safely facilitate 12 internships across the province. This global crisis has highlighted the importance of attracting more skilled health professionals, and CAREERS is committed to creating opportunities for youth as restrictions ease.
According to the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council, over 23 thousand agriculture workers will be needed over the next four years. This pilot program was designed to expose students to a future in animal and plant systems, or food processing. The result was 93 internships with plans for expansion in 2022.

What you can do
How long would an internship be for?
What is the wage cost to the employer?
Required compensations for Student Interns is minimum wage or above. Qualified employers can receive up to $3600 through the Youth Internship Incentive Program. Button that links to YiiP page. For information on other wage subsidy programs CLICK HERE
Who is responsible for covering the cost of WCB for High School Interns?
For any off-campus learning, like an internship, students are eligible to earn high school credits and thereby covered by Alberta Education’s WCB.
CAREERS promotes safety through the Safe Under 18 Initiative. CLICK HERE to learn more.
As a non-profit organization that offers free services, CAREERS relies on the generosity of our industry partners.
Together, we can TAKE ON THE FUTURE!
Learn more about supporting CAREERS as a Partner Employer: